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What results you can see from
SARMs stack YK11, Testolone and Mk 677 SARM Stack YK11, Testolone, 
Ibutamoren is suitable for both advanced and beginners. Let's see how it works. 
First, we will look at the action of each SARM separately.

Each capsule contains:

Mk 677       USP            10mg
Rad 140      USP            10mg
YK 11           USP            10mg

Packaging :- 60 units in a bottle
Dosage and administration:
Half life :- 24-36 hours
Dose :- 25to 100 (mg per day)
**Daily Value not Establised .


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If the shipment gets stuck at customs due to any reasons, 
we will dispatch the same order 1 more time to our customers. T&C applies.